The Support for Learning (SfL) department at Kinlochleven High School works with all teachers and colleagues within the school and numerous external agencies such as Educational Psychology, Speech and Language, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapists, etc. in order to support all of our young people to maximise their time at school, no matter their individual circumstances or needs.

We can support individual and small groups within specific subject areas by working in partnership with class teachers to differentiate and modify tasks and resources for young people and providing Pupil Support Assistants (PSAs) in class. We can also extract individuals and small groups from some subjects to work on targeted interventions such as Read & Write, Numeracy and Literacy Catch Ups and Nurture groups and we can also provide alternative curricular provision for those pupils that require it, e.g., John Muir Award, Princes Trust Achieve, Award Scheme Development and Accreditation Network (ASDAN) qualifications and/ or National 1 and 2 Personal Achievement and Personal Development Awards, in for example Life Skills.

As well as myself, there is a Support for Learning teacher that works in close partnership with the local primaries and the High School and we have a team of 10 PSAs. The department is blessed to have 4 classrooms, one of which is a designated Life Skills class in which young people can develop their individual skills and abilities to run their own home.